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2 points by thaddeus 5759 days ago | link | parent


I have most of them already fixed myself, with the exception of pipe-from, but an average person (aka me) with Windows OS is going to spend time both trying to get Arc working and sifting through the forum which isnt easily searchable (I had to sift through over 300 posts, with 80% of the content being way over my head, to determine pipe-from wasn't expected to be working for a specific reason.... had no clue what "dev/urandom" even was).

If I might suggest: if your not going to fix these that you start a known issues document to save people from the headaches and tail chasing. Even putting something on your install page noting that Windows isn't supported would be appreciated by newcomers.

[Edit] As an idea maybe we could have one posting thread for OS related issues that your install page has a link to ? ....
