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Any other arc news forums out there?
4 points by thaddeus 5753 days ago | 11 comments
I'm surprised there are not a bunch news forum's like hacker news popping up. Wondering if anyone has launched a news site based on arcs news code.


2 points by thaddeus 5751 days ago | link

Ok I've been working at finally deploying something; I am running into problems.

Here's what I have done:

    * I've set up a vps with linode; ubuntu 9.04 with apache2
    * I've made sure my domain name hits the right IP.
      (i.e. I get "It's Alive.") when I go to the domain name site.

    * I've created a user on the VPS and deployed arc.
    * I can launch arc and run the as the user.
    (I notice (asv 80) doesn't work: "error 32"; I am gathering this is because I am not running as root - that's fine.).
    * So I enable mod_proxy and added a proxypass to the apache httpd.conf file:

     ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/

     Restarted the apache server and I get the following at mydomain:

     Internal Server Error
     The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Any ideas ? Thanks, T.


1 point by CatDancer 5751 days ago | link

Your ProxyPass command is the one I was using with Apache.

Anything in the Apache error log?

Also, are you able to get to port 8080 on the box? I.e.

  curl -v -s http://localhost:8080/


1 point by thaddeus 5746 days ago | link

Ok so after getting an arc3 forum, running on linode - using proxypass I notice I am getting periodic 502 proxy errors.

Also I found this old post that claims that these timeouts are a side effect of the 'date' problem that Anarki had fixed, but in Arc3 pg fixed the date function so i am guessing this wouldn't be the issue?

any ideas ?

Thanks, T.


1 point by CatDancer 5746 days ago | link

Anything in the Apache error log about what it doesn't like about the response it's getting from the Arc web server?

Oh and if you hit your forum directly at the 8080 (or whatever) port do you have any similar problems?


1 point by thaddeus 5746 days ago | link

Good idea - I should have done that.

I am proxy passing from port80 to 3 different ports for 3 different domains (each running it's own arc server). Looks like the calls are getting mixed up.


looks like should be calling
but instead it's getting passed to

File does not exist:

hmmm. There must be a better way to keep the pointers in order. Back to google :)



1 point by thaddeus 5746 days ago | link

well i think it's fixed.

I just changed:

  favicon-url*  "" to  ->  favicon-url*  "logo.gif"
I'm hazarding guess, but I think when apache can't find a file via the arc servers static directory apache attempts to find it using anyone if not all of the public directories listed in the virtual hosts.

strange, but anyway - thanks for trying to help Cat, sorry to be a pain - this was my first time installing apache, linux or doing any of this stuff :).



1 point by thaddeus 5750 days ago | link

Thanks Cat,

I did manage to figured it out... I had to add the proxy_http module. T.


2 points by shader 5750 days ago | link

I've got a news forum running, but it's on a very small box so I don't know if I want to drive much traffic to it ;)

At any rate, I'm interested in getting an FCGI interface for arc so that I can host it on Dreamhost. They don't support scgi or a network daemon, so I can't use mod_proxy. If anyone is interested in helping, let me know ;)


3 points by zhtw 5752 days ago | link



1 point by thaddeus 5752 days ago | link

Nice. Thanks. I think that's Russian correct? (pardon if I got it wrong).

I'm just curious. Although I don't use hacker news much (can't relate to the topics as much) - I can see how the layout and usage is much better than most sites I visit. And I can see a mutlitude of uses for it - not just news. So I am just surprised I haven't seen more of them. I was thinking about starting one up for my industry peers (not the hackers).

Just wanted to see what other members experiences were. T.


1 point by zhtw 5751 days ago | link

> Nice. Thanks. I think that's Russian correct?


And I'm too using it not because it's written in Arc, but because it just looks good.
