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11 points by Kashia 6232 days ago | link | parent

  #!/usr/bin/env ruby
  require "ramaze"
  class MainController < Ramaze::Controller
    def index
      if f = session['foo'] then "you said #{f}"
      elsif session['foo'] = request['foo'] then A("click Here", :href => '/')
      else '<form><input name="foo" /><input type="submit"></form>'
  Ramaze.start :port => 7001
Using Ramaze[]. Though I do find it kinda unfair comparing languages over web frameworks... Rails.. shudder

2 points by troelskn 6229 days ago | link

> Though I do find it kinda unfair comparing languages over web frameworks...

My sentiments exactly. This is a demonstration of a library, which handles a certain scenario very well. I'm sure, an equally terse library could be written in most other languages.

Coincidentally, in the few cases, where I need application state stored at the server side, I usually want it to be global. If I have the same site open in multiple tabs, I actually want the shopping cart from window one to reflect the same state as the shopping cart from window two. But then again. I guess that is a matter of me failing to see the point of continuations, and therefore not overly relevant to the topic.


1 point by ix 6229 days ago | link

element :

  case r.qs
  when '': isindex
  when /^@/: r.qs.tail
  else a'follow',:href =>'?@'+r.qs
