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4 points by nlavine 6232 days ago | link | parent

I disagree, actually, but not because it wouldn't work. It seems to me that the simplest way to think about data storage is to give the programmer two options: to store data in noncontiguous memory with pointers, with O(n) access but O(1) insertion/reordering/whatever, or in contiguous memory in an array, with O(1) access but potentially O(n) insertion. It's an appropriate arc concept because it gets at the core of what is going on, and lets the programmer do whatever they want, while keeping the language simple and elegant (only two options!). I believe everything else can be built out of that, if you really want to do it (not that I think hash tables should leave - they're far too useful for that. but arrays and pointers give you what you need to build whatever you want).

3 points by reitzensteinm 6232 days ago | link

But surely what is important is freedom and power to express ideas, not dictate their implementation to the compiler/runtime?

If the two systems behave exactly the same (mapping keys to values), and the only penalty is execution time (which depending on how the automatic switching works, shouldn't be much), why should they be separate concepts in the language itself?


1 point by nlavine 6231 days ago | link

I see your point, and you may be right. But I could respond to that: if all we're abstracting over is key/value mappings, then why do we have lists?

I think we're looking at this from different points of view. I'm thinking of a basis for the space of all data layouts in memory (so to speak), and you're thinking of having a generic interface to mappings, if I understand you right.

I have a thought that might shed some light on this, and I'd like to hear what you and everyone else think about it. It seems like we're talking about two types of maps - maps whose keys are values (hash tables), and maps whose keys are nonnegative integers (arrays, but also some uses of lists).

The difference between them is the way you think about it. Hash tables are pure associative maps, which you use in the application server to store user data for cookies, but you could also use as record types, because they're really the same thing. Maps indexed by integers, on the other hand, hold data in a sequence, like the temperatures in Durham, NC for the past month, and they tend to be variable-sized and ordered because the integers have a natural order, and because the most natural set of integers is all of them.

Are we really looking for ways to represent these two concepts?


1 point by reitzensteinm 6229 days ago | link

But do we think about arrays differently because there's a legitimate reason to, or because that's just the way it has worked in other languages?

I mean, the fact that a simple:

(def array (elements) (table))

Would bridge that conceptual gap probably means that although it will feel weird using a table as an array, including arrays solely for familiarity is probably the kind of backwards compatability that Arc is looking to avoid.

You're right, we are definitely approaching this from different directions. I do think that a generic interface to mappings is the way to go, so long as the abstraction doesn't leak too much (i.e. reasonably small performance loss).
