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1 point by shader 5740 days ago | link | parent

Right. I forgot to check the symbol before I used it like I sometimes do, via 'help or 'src (Anarki).

Is there anything wrong with "pointers"? As in this case, they can often be quite useful, and make the code (at least to me) simpler. Maybe I just think in pointers, and need to learn to use destructuring binding more. That won't work unless you know all of the variable names in advance, but I guess that's what a hash table is for :)

2 points by almkglor 5738 days ago | link

Here's a simple Arc-F package (which is intended to work on hl in the future) that provides pointers.

Pointers are dereferenced by (ptr), so you use (ptr) to get the contents and (= (ptr) v) to assign.

  (in-package pointer)
  (using <arc>v3) ; replace with <hl>v1
  (interface v1
  ; replace with (mac (pointer e) ...)
  (mac pointer (e)
    (if (acons e)
        (let vars (map [uniq] e)
          `(with ,(mappend (fn (var val) `(,var ,val)) vars e)
             ; replace with (tag...)
             (annotate 'pointer
               (cons (fn () ,vars)
                     (fn (v) (= ,vars v))))))
        (w/uniq v
          `(annotate 'pointer
             (cons (fn () ,e)
                   (fn (,v) (= ,e ,v)))))))
  ; replace with (defm (sref (t p pointer)... ) ...)
  (defm sref ((t p pointer) v)
    ((cdr:rep p) v))
  (defcall pointer (p)
    ((car:rep p)))

  (= stuff (list (pointer a)
                 (pointer (car b))
                 (pointer c!x)))
  (each p stuff
    (pr (p))
    (= (p) (something)))
If someone's ported nex3's 'defcall and 'defm onto Anarki-on-arc3, the above can be made to work by just removing the package stuff.
