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Anyone seeing file corruption?
7 points by kens 5738 days ago | 1 comment
I'm trying to regenerate my documentation and I'm getting the occasional random corrupted character in my output.

In the news.arc file, I see a comment suggesting this has shown up at news.yc:

  ; For some reason vote files occasionally get written out in a
  ; broken way.  The nature of the errors (random missing or extra
  ; chars) suggests the bug is lower-level than anything in Arc.
  ; Which unfortunately means all lists written to disk are probably
  ; vulnerable to it, since that's all save-table does.
Has anyone else seen random corruption when writing files with Arc? (I'm running arc3 on Linux FC10)

4 points by pg 5738 days ago | link

If you could catch this happening in a reproducible way we would be very, very grateful. The nature of HN means that we never can. Fortunately it happens very rarely, on the order of once every couple months. But I hate worrying about it.
