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1 point by CatDancer 5737 days ago | link | parent

How about "ac-scheme"?

To implement my hacks I've already needed to pull a few pieces of the Arc compiler up into Arc, such as ac-denil and ac-global-name. So the direction this is heading in is to make parts of the Arc compiler available in Arc: ac-denil, ac-global-name, ac-scheme.

This allows us to do various powerful things, of which one is getting at Scheme functionality easily.

You could then write a plain "mz" macro that expanded into "ac-scheme" directly, or, if you wanted, a more sophisticated one that did things like giving easy access to global variables in the expansion.

The "scheme" part of the name is a visible reminder that the code inside is literal Scheme code instead of Arc code.

  (ac-scheme (+ 1 2))