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1 point by CatDancer 5737 days ago | link | parent

You actually only want one underline:

  arc> (= a 5)
  arc> (ac-scheme _a)
The ac-global-name function will prefix a symbol with an underline for you to create the global symbol name.

As for getting at the lexical scope, with eval or something else, that's up to the Scheme implementation. You'd need to go looking in the MzScheme documentation, or ask on the MzScheme user mailing list, to find out if there's some way to do that. Though why would you need that for this?

1 point by shader 5737 days ago | link

This is what I got, using your mz patch:

  arc> (= a 5)
  arc> (mz (+ 3 _a))
  Error: "reference to undefined identifier: _a"
  arc> (mz (+ 3 __a))
So as far as I can tell, it's two, at least in Anarki on mzscheme 360.


1 point by CatDancer 5737 days ago | link

Oh, I'm running arc3.

So, anyway, when you say you couldn't get "it" to work, what is the "it" that you're trying to do? I thought you were saying you didn't know how to transform "(mz (+ 3 ,a))" into "(mz (+ 3 __a))", but you say you know how to do that, so what is the it that's not working?
