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1 point by absz 5730 days ago | link | parent

Sure; here's something from my tagged-unions.arc on Anarki (Arc 2). It's responsible for parsing the types specified for slots in the tagged union:

  (each type-frag types
    ; Assemble the ('type name) pairs into two lists, so that we can iterate
    ; through them.
    (case (type type-frag)
      ; If it's a symbol, then we're defining a new name; add a new set of
      ; values, and go.
          (zap [cons type-frag _] names)
          (zap [cons nil       _] values))
      ; Otherwise, we're adding a value to an existing variant.
        ; I changed my mind about the order (now it's (name pred?) instead of
        ; (pred? name)), so I'm reversing it here.
        (zap [cons (rev type-frag) _] (car values))
      ; else
        (err "Invalid member of tagged union declaration.")))
I should also add (just as another data point) that my multi-condition ifs look like that too, and single-condition ifs look like the following:

  (def macexn (n expr)
    " Macroexpand `expr' `n' times.  NB: `expr' *is* evaluated!
      See also [[macex1]] [[macex]] "
    (if (and (number n) (> n 0))
      (macexn (- n 1) (macex1 expr))
I'm not hugely wedded to any of my conventions, though, and I haven't coded in Arc for quite a while anyway; this isn't intended to get you to change anything or convert people to my style. As I said, it's just another data point.