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1 point by tokipin 5728 days ago | link | parent

thanks. i'm on Windows though and slightly fascist and unreasonable in that i'm not particularly worried about the program working on another platform. i should have mentioned that though. (also i think if anyone needs a noob-oriented IDE, it's going to be Windows users)

2 points by shader 5728 days ago | link

The same system should work for windows. Windows does support named pipes, and you don't have to use unix shell code to launch the arc process, since you're writing another program anyway.


1 point by shader 5728 days ago | link

Yeah, everyone else uses emacs, vim, or textmate.


1 point by rntz 5728 days ago | link

Emacs runs on windows.


1 point by shader 5728 days ago | link

Yes, but anyone running Windows is much less likely to use emacs or vim over some gui ide. Linux users are much more likely to be willing to learn those two.
