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Search functionality for this forum?
1 point by Thr4wn 5727 days ago | 2 comments
If you only read this first sentence, then know that I dislike people who whine, so I hope that's not what I'm doing =) . However, I thought I'd throw this idea out there assuming people will read it in good spirits.

After having not kept up with this site for a long time, I have finally returned to reading and trying to keep up with this site; But I realized that there's still no way to search the forum (in as much as I can tell) to catch up on important references, etc that I might have missed.

For example, the _first_ thing I notice after coming back from a rather long leave of absence is the new favicon on the block, and I'm like "what is that?" but had absolutely no way of figuring out what it was. Luckily, I "have nothing better to do" than reading arc news (which honestly makes sense to me :) ), so I just keep hitting 'more' and until I was lucky enough to find the article explaining it.

Notice though, that there could be way more substantial things than just a logo. for example, what if I wanted to know how to set up an Apache proxy for arc? It turns out that's in here: , but without search I have to hit 'more' redundant amounts of times, or I would have to repeat the same question.

Again, if I just sound like I'm whining, then go ahead and ignore it :).

2 points by absz 5726 days ago | link

There's also always Googling for " QUERY", which is what I do.


1 point by rincewind 5727 days ago | link
