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Arc logo draft proposal (
7 points by uvl 6231 days ago | 13 comments

6 points by kennytilton 6231 days ago | link

Nice. Call me crazy, but I think the squares should get smaller towards the top, just as in a real arch. I would hate for the logo for a hot new language to be architecturally unsound. Also, I like the proportions of the St Louis Gateway arch: 1:1 base to height. Neat since it looks taller than it is wide. (530 ft both) Oh, and I like 9 thing daniel mentioned.


1 point by uvl 6230 days ago | link

I have tried that but five is the minimal amount of pixels to form an arch and minimalism is one goal of pg, isn't it? The proportions are derived from the underlying pixel grid. I wanted the logo to be scalable without blurring by just multiplying the pixel number. uvl 8-)


4 points by projectileboy 6230 days ago | link

I hate to say this, because I appreciate the effort, but I don't like 'em. They lack the elegance of the language.


2 points by uvl 6213 days ago | link

No problem. This was a first attempt with almost no effort (just 5 px). Take it as an interim solution until pg comes out with his handpainted masterpiece ;-)

uvl 8-)


4 points by daniel-cussen 6231 days ago | link

How about an arch made of nine wedge-shaped stones instead of five? It would be a reference to the nine, uh, elements of lisp pg talks about, and a reference to On Lisp (pages 8-9).


3 points by dfranke 6230 days ago | link

I really like the 16x48 version. But I don't think this makes a good primary logo. We should take a cue from Linux and come up with something cuddly. Have it wear or otherwise display this logo.


3 points by xirium 6230 days ago | link

An arc is an obvious logo for Arc. However, I was thinking of the left quadrant of a circle would be appropriate. If you have the x-axis as time and the y-axis as mastery then it represents a learning curve of fast initial progress and iteration towards top ability. However, if the arc begins and ends at the same height then it doesn't represent progress.


1 point by uvl 6229 days ago | link

Logos should be obvious! I wouldn't name anything by the shape of its learning curve. For the same reason there is no place for it in a logo.


2 points by bootload 6231 days ago | link

"... Arc logo draft proposal ..."

At 16x16 it does not stand out enough. Dots need to be bigger. I would have added a big "A" to the top right hand logo space in black. Simpler.


2 points by uvl 6231 days ago | link

The idea was to have five pixels forming an arc with their trajectory. To make the logo stand out better you can change the colors or the size of the whole thing. I have added an alternative with text and in black/white. uvl 8-)


1 point by bootload 6231 days ago | link

"... To make the logo stand out better you can change the colors or the size of the whole thing. I have added an alternative with text and in black/white. uvl 8-) ..."

Like this one, "PNG, black/white, 32 x 40" much better contrast. Bauhous inspired? ~


2 points by uvl 6230 days ago | link

"Bauhaus inspired?" You can't escape that in Germany (especially as a phd-student at the Bauhaus-University) uvl 8-)


1 point by uvl 6216 days ago | link

I have changed color to black and added favicon.ico and ASCII-Arc
