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1 point by CatDancer 5721 days ago | link | parent

Here's what I suggest: publish a fixed 'join that is able to correctly create dotted lists. Now anyone who wants that doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.

Next, publish a version of your qq port that uses 'join. Now qq is simpler because it doesn't have to implement its own 'append; and you can point out that if we've using the old join then some qq expressions won't produce dotted lists, but if we use the new join they will.

2 points by fallintothis 5719 days ago | link

I'm certainly open to using a fixed 'join, though my aim was to keep qq working as closely to vanilla Arc as possible, instead of modifying arc.arc functionality. Using Arc's current 'join gives way to some incorrect optimizations, as ported from the Common Lisp code -- e.g., (join nil form2) is not necessarily equivalent to just form2. So, I'll have to inspect that code, if there's the possibility of using arc.arc 'join (though I wonder if giving both options would be any "cleaner" than just keeping 'append around until/if 'join is "fixed").

On another note, a more appropriate place for the code and especially an altered 'join would probably be the Anarki repository (if only for keeping it a little more centralized). But I'm not sure I understand the protocol there, since I don't see any 'lib' directory in the arc3 branches. Unless this counts as a fix, I guess. Anyone care to give an executive summary / crash course? (The last I read about it was Does it matter to anyone if this gets pushed to the git repo?


1 point by CatDancer 5719 days ago | link

Using Arc's current 'join gives way to some incorrect optimizations

For any expression that doesn't have a dotted list as its final result?

my aim was to keep qq working as closely to vanilla Arc as possible, instead of modifying arc.arc functionality

The goal of Arc is to make it easy to write succinct programs. So, if:

A) someone finds that being able to use `(1 ,@2) helps them write a succinct program; or,

B) you have some natural optimizations that are easy to write if intermediate forms can use dotted lists, but would need more difficult or cumbersome code to work around a join / append that didn't work with (join ... atom), or even be conceptually more difficult to think about its correctness,

then I'd say let's fix Arc so that 'join is able to produce dotted lists.

On the other hand, if the only reason that you're implementing your own 'append is so that the code will pendantically pass Common Lisp unit tests for expressions that no one actually uses in their programs, then I'd question why we need that functionality :-)

What does 'list* do?

  ;; arc doesn't like macro definitions inside of 'do blocks (bug?), so resort to
  ;; defining them here.
What didn't work? In arc3:

  arc> (do (mac a () 33))
  #3(tagged mac #<procedure: a>)
  arc> (a)


1 point by fallintothis 5719 days ago | link

For any expression that doesn't have a dotted list as its final result?


The way the optimizations work is to merely streamline the things that quasiquote itself introduces. It doesn't require or even expect user code to use 'append. e.g.,

  arc> (load "qq.arc")
  arc> (toggle-optimize)
  arc> (macex1 '`(append ,a ,b))
  (append (list (quote append)) (append (list a) (list b)))
Note that the top-level 'append wasn't touched -- it gets turned into (list (quote append)). But also note that the naive macroexpansion without optimizations produces (append (list a) (list b)), which is obviously excessive. So,

  arc> (toggle-optimize)
  arc> (macex1 '`(append ,a ,b))
  (list (quote append) a b)
We still keep the top-level 'append, but a and b are no longer nested in a bunch of conses; the optimizer only changed the 'appends that quasiquote introduced haphazardly.

Then, if the optimizer tries to get rid of the extra 'appends, it must know that the final result will be the same. e.g., (append nil form2) == form2. Meaning that

  arc> (toggle-optimize)
  arc> (macex1 '`(append ,@nil ,@(f1)))
  (append (list (quote append)) (append nil (f1)))
  arc> (toggle-optimize)
  arc> (macex1 '`(append ,@nil ,@(f1)))
  (cons (quote append) (f1))
The (append nil (f1)) that quasiquote introduced in the first case is turned into just (f1) in the second. Note again that the top-level 'append isn't touched; it doesn't matter if the programmer uses 'append.

Now, if quasiquote was changed to use 'join, so that any 'join it introduced might be optimized, there are fewer invariants because, for instance, (join nil form2) != form2 if form2 is not a list.

This wouldn't matter in optimized code, because the meaning of (join nil form2) could be taken to mean the same as (append nil form2). That is, we could use any ol' sentinel in lieu of 'append and treat its rules the same, like

  fake-arc> (toggle-optimize)
  fake-arc> (macex1 '`(append ,@nil ,@(f1)))
  (OPTIMIZE-ME (list (quote append)) (OPTIMIZE-ME nil (f1)))
  fake-arc> (toggle-optimize)
  fake-arc> (macex1 '`(append ,@nil ,@(f1)))
  (cons (quote append) (f1))
thus leading to the same optimized code. However, when optimizations are off, if quasiquote produces (join nil form2) it might lead to an error where (append nil form2) would not. That is, if the above OPTIMIZE-ME were 'join, evaluating it as such dies when (f1) is not a list. Moreover,

  (iso (join (list 'append) (join nil (f1)))
       (cons 'append (f1)))
wouldn't necessarily be true.

So! If 'join were used instead of 'append, optimized code wouldn't care. But the invariant is supposed to be that optimized code results == non-optimized code results. (join nil form2) != form2, so the optimizer shouldn't touch 'join in this case, like it does with 'append currently.

All this means is that, if we s/append/join/g, the optimizer would need to use a different set of rules. This isn't so bad; it's not an insurmountable task by any stretch. But in so doing, it would change quasiquote semantics vs. using an append-style join (as discussed previously). So, giving both options would need to cover these altered semantics. Again, doable, just a note of concern when it doesn't seem a bad thing that 'append can be used (or 'join could be modified to work like CL 'append -- not against that, except when working with vanilla Arc).

In a similar vein, 'list* is introduced by the optimizer in attempts to cons less. Quoth CLTL:

  list* is like list except that the last cons of the constructed list is
  "dotted." The last argument to list* is used as the cdr of the last cons
  constructed; this need not be an atom. If it is not an atom, then the effect
  is to add several new elements to the front of a list. For example:
  (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd) => (a b c . d)
  This is like
  (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd)))
  (list* 'a 'b 'c '(d e f)) => (a b c d e f) 
  (list* x) == x
The most glaring issue with this being that it relies on the efficiency of the implementation, of course. So, I'm not even sure that mine conses any less than using just 'cons. This is fixed by a not-dumb implementation, of course!

What didn't work?

  arc> (let b nil (mac b () 33) (b))
  Error: "Function call on inappropriate object #3(tagged mac #<procedure: b>) ()"
  arc> (do (mac b () 33) (b))
  Error: "Function call on inappropriate object #3(tagged mac #<procedure: b>) ()"
(By the way, is this right-margin crowded enough for you? Yay, nesting!)


1 point by CatDancer 5719 days ago | link

thus leading to the same optimized code. However, when optimizations are off, if quasiquote produces (join nil form2) it might lead to an error where (append nil form2) would not. That is, if the above OPTIMIZE-ME were 'join, evaluating it as such dies when (f1) is not a list

Yes, but your example was ",@(f1)", so naturally that wouldn't work without 'append when (f1) isn't a list.

I can think of three cases:

Case A: we want to use ",@X" when X is not a list. This isn't supported by Bawden's implementation, so it's a new feature. Clearly we need to use 'append then.

Case B: we require X to be a list when we use ",@X", but the qq expander (optimizing or not) relies on intermediate forms that call 'append with non-list arguments, even though neither the input nor the eventual final output has dotted pairs. Then we'd either need to use 'append, or rewrite the expander not to produce those intermediate forms.

Case C: When X is a list in any use of ",@X", the expander calls append and produces code that calls append with only lists. Then we could use Arc's current 'join instead of 'append.

Maybe I'm just up too late, but I'm not seeing anything in your examples that would indicate that B is the case?

If I always only use ",@" with lists, does the current code (with optimization turned on or off) ever produce the wrong result if 'join is used instead of 'append? (It's OK if the answer is you wouldn't know without looking into the question further).

  (do (mac b () 33) (b))
oh, were you hoping that the macro would be staticly scoped?


1 point by fallintothis 5719 days ago | link

I seem to have misunderstood your question. Apologies. The cases will make it easier for me to not talk past you:

Case A is what I've been defending (and is currently how the port works). I don't have any direct examples of its usefulness, but think that it's semantically clearer (a point which I don't think I've made clear):

  $ rlwrap mzscheme -m -f as.scm
  Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.
  arc> (load "qq.arc")
  arc> (= tail '(b c d))
  (b c d)
  arc> `(a ,@tail)
  (a b c d)
  arc> (cons 'a tail)
  (a b c d)
  arc> (= tail 'b)
  arc> `(a ,@tail)
  (a . b)
  arc> (cons 'a tail)
  (a . b)
I also consider it an added bonus: dotted lists exist, so it seems presumptuous to think that macros might not stand to gain from using them, splicing into them, whatever. (Just as it seems presumptuous to think that ,,@(...) should be an error.)

Case B is incorrect, so far as I can tell. Indeed, the clisp code was very careful about this -- making sure not to pass the cdr of a dotted list as the first argument to 'append, for instance.

Case C is correct, I think, but would run against case A, since using 'join when the splice is not a list will result in an error, as in the examples I've belabored.

Note, though, that case A needn't be the "correct" solution, not even for Common Lisp (quoth

  As an example, the above definition implies that

  `((,a b) ,c ,@d)

  will be interpreted as if it were

  (append (list (append (list a) (list 'b) 'nil)) (list c) d 'nil)

  but it could also be legitimately interpreted to mean any of the following.

  (append (list (append (list a) (list 'b))) (list c) d)
  (append (list (append (list a) '(b))) (list c) d)
  (append (list (cons a '(b))) (list c) d)
  (list* (cons a '(b)) c d)
  (list* (cons a (list 'b)) c d)
  (list* (cons a '(b)) c (copy-list d))

  (There is no good reason why copy-list should be performed, but it is not prohibited.)
I just happen to like the idea, is all. And, admittedly, for wholly impractical reasons!

If I always only use ",@" with lists, does the current code (with optimization turned on or off) ever produce the wrong result if 'join is used instead of 'append? (It's OK if the answer is you wouldn't know without looking into the question further).

Sorry if I come off like that. I don't mean to seem like I'm trying to answer without knowing anything ("going from the gut" or whatever).

For what it's worth, I strongly think that, if unquote-splicing is used strictly with lists, 'join will do the same job as 'append.

Of course, I wouldn't know without looking into the question further. ;)

So, have I finally managed to address what you asked?

oh, were you hoping that the macro would be staticly scoped?

Not even that. I just wanted it to be done in a single sexp on the last unit test (since it's 1 sexp per test), as I note in the source:

"local" macros don't work in arc:

  arc> (let a 12
         (let b nil
           (mac b ()
             (let c 19
               ``(,a ,@',@(list c))))
  Error: "Function call on inappropriate object #3(tagged mac #<procedure: b>) ()"
Even using a 'do block doesn't work (for some reason):

  arc> (do
         (mac m ()
           (let c 19
             ``(,a ,@',@(list c))))
         (let a 12
  Error: "Function call on inappropriate object #3(tagged mac #<procedure: m>) ()"
  arc> (do
         (mac m ()
           (let c 19
             ``(,a ,@',@(list c))))
         (let a 12
  *** redefining m
  (12 . 19)
Unsure whether this is an Arc bug, the problem was mitigated by using a (mac ...) outside of the 'do block.


1 point by CatDancer 5719 days ago | link

So, have I finally managed to address what you asked?


OK, here's what I think.

One principle of Arc is to find the minimum combination of code that implements the language. So we shouldn't end up with both a 'join and a 'append; either we decide we want 'join to be able to produce a dotted list, or else we should just use the old 'join.

One way of getting succinct code is not to implement features that no one uses. So if the only reason for using 'append (or extending 'join to be able to produce a dotted list) was to pendantically pass some Common Lisp unit tests, then I be inclined to go with case (A) and just use Arc's current 'join.

However, another principle of Arc is not to forbid things to programmers unless there's no way to provide them with logical consistency. I can't think of any reason to tell you not to use

  arc> `(a ,@'b)
  (a . b)
if you want to... so why should I advocate for restricting splicing to lists?

So here's a patch to arc.arc that extends 'join to accept a non-list in the last argument:

It's shorter than your append2/append, at the cost of not providing an explicit error message if a non-list is passed in some argument not the last.

I just wanted it to be done in a single sexp... Unsure whether this is an Arc bug

In Arc, the entire expression is macro expanded and compiled, and then evaluated. So in

  arc> (do (mac a () 33)
  Error: "Function call on inappropriate object #3(tagged mac #<procedure: a>) ()"
what's happening is that the 'mac form, when evaluated, will create a new global macro 'a. However, when the 'do form is being macro expanded / compiled, the 'a macro hasn't been defined yet. So "(a)" compiles into a function call on 'a. Then, when the 'do form is evaluated, 'a is set to be a macro, and then 'a is function called. Which produces an error, since a macro object isn't callable.

To keep it all in one sexp you could say

  arc> (do (mac a () 33)
           (eval '(a)))
