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1 point by rocketnia 4973 days ago | link | parent

"If the interpreter never throws errors it lets you build other languages atop it without abstraction leakage."

I don't see the advantage. If calling 'car on a non-cons gives me a value that I can't tell was caused by an error, then if I want a leak-proof abstraction I'll do anything I can to detect the error in a separate step from calling 'car, just as I would if 'car raised an exception.

An exception with an error message is at least nice for detecting that there's a problem and troubleshooting it, even if the message is as obscure as "Can't take car of 1".


"TCO is just an optimization and has nothing to do with the evaluation model ^_^."

Tell that to my lathe.js and chops.js, which I'm having trouble getting to work on Firefox because its JavaScript stack is small. XD I have a lot of ifsomething( ... ) utilities that take callbacks and tail-call them (CPS), and that pattern just doesn't seem to work out. :-p

Anyway, I'm not complaining about JavaScript necessarily. I knew about the lack of TCO from the outset. Whatever way this forces me to redesign lathe.js will help with Penknife, which I don't expect to have TCO either (for straightforwardness's sake, and because unfortunately Penknife/Lathe/'extend rulebooks don't call their rules in tail position anyway).


"I don't even know what sort of support I want for early returns."

That can be implemented in a standard library as long as there are exceptions that can hold arbitrary contents. I implement early returns in lathe.js's point(), for instance--which, since it isn't a standard part of JS, means it doesn't necessarily interact well with other people's exception-handling code. :-p


"I don't understand continuations well enough to implement them."

What you're doing with pushing and popping lexical and dynamic scopes seems about halfway to continuations. If you also push expressions on a stack and evaluate them in a separate loop, the combination of scope stacks and an expression stack is basically a continuation. To capture a continuation, copy the stack(s); to call it, restore the stack(s) and push a return value. Something like that anyway. :-p (If you don't understand continuations from a language user perspective, I guess I don't expect this explanation to help.)

I haven't tried to implement partial evaluation/specialization yet, but I expect it to kinda work the same way. To specialize a function, start some fresh stack(s) for it with special dummy values in place of the arguments, somehow step the calculation forward as far as possible (without doing I/O--including variable lookup--or doing any inspection of the dummy values), and copy the stack(s) back off as the result. I think it'd be pretty difficult. ><;


"What would unifying strings and syms accomplish?"

For me it's more like: What does separating them accomplish? The way I use Arc, they're both interned, immutable, finite sequences of arbitrary characters. The fact that they have different types means the meaning of a single character sequence can be overloaded ("nil", especially), but for the most part I just coerce them back and forth to appease the language.


"But maybe it's just my C++ roots showing."

I didn't know you had C++ roots until now. :)

1 point by akkartik 4973 days ago | link

"If calling 'car on a non-cons gives me a value that I can't tell was caused by an error, then if I want a leak-proof abstraction I'll do anything I can to detect the error in a separate step from calling 'car, just as I would if 'car raised an exception."

Yeah you're right, I was making no sense. Or at least I've forgotten the concrete situation I was (over) reacting to.

Wart does throw a message: 'car of non-cons: 1'. It's just a warning, it doesn't halt execution, but I'm still contradicting myself by that decision.


1 point by Pauan 4972 days ago | link

I'll note that in my code I frequently have to use errsafe, because the thing may not be a cons. For instance, suppose you had a table called "foo". I've been using this pattern a lot recently:

  (if (foo:car x) ...)
But that will break if x isn't a cons, so I have to do this:

  (if (errsafe:foo:car x) ...)
So I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea for car/cdr to return a value rather than throw an error... but I can see why some people would prefer it to throw an error. For me personally, I think my code would benefit more from car/cdr returning nil, rather than throwing an error.


1 point by rocketnia 4972 days ago | link

I'd use this:

  (if (foo acons&car.x) ...)
...except maybe I wouldn't, 'cause I think Rainbow treats a&b.c as (andf a b.c).


1 point by akkartik 4973 days ago | link

"they're both interned, immutable, finite sequences of arbitrary characters."

There aren't constraints against it, but I tend to think of strings as binding-less things. They're closer to numbers in that respect.

I often use syms when I mean strings (one less keystroke, no need to hit <shift>). But I only convert strings to syms inside macros.
