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1 point by akkartik 4973 days ago | link | parent

"If calling 'car on a non-cons gives me a value that I can't tell was caused by an error, then if I want a leak-proof abstraction I'll do anything I can to detect the error in a separate step from calling 'car, just as I would if 'car raised an exception."

Yeah you're right, I was making no sense. Or at least I've forgotten the concrete situation I was (over) reacting to.

Wart does throw a message: 'car of non-cons: 1'. It's just a warning, it doesn't halt execution, but I'm still contradicting myself by that decision.

1 point by Pauan 4972 days ago | link

I'll note that in my code I frequently have to use errsafe, because the thing may not be a cons. For instance, suppose you had a table called "foo". I've been using this pattern a lot recently:

  (if (foo:car x) ...)
But that will break if x isn't a cons, so I have to do this:

  (if (errsafe:foo:car x) ...)
So I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea for car/cdr to return a value rather than throw an error... but I can see why some people would prefer it to throw an error. For me personally, I think my code would benefit more from car/cdr returning nil, rather than throwing an error.


1 point by rocketnia 4972 days ago | link

I'd use this:

  (if (foo acons&car.x) ...)
...except maybe I wouldn't, 'cause I think Rainbow treats a&b.c as (andf a b.c).
